An artist sitting on the ground amongst their drawings

How to Create Original Content

It’s become easier than ever to publish content online and many generative AI tools can help you create images, videos, and articles in a matter of moments. Given that the barriers to entry have been lowered and we can expect brands to increase their content output, how can we continue creating original content that stands out?

HOW TO CREATE original content in the world of ai

Since the introduction of ChatGPT, almost anyone can create online content. All you need is an internet connection, a digital device, and a few well-designed prompts to create publishable material.

There was already a lot of content online and you might now be wondering how it will be possible to create anything original in the wave of AI-generated content that’s to come.

We know that areas of the human brain linked to memory and learning light up when people see novel images. Novelty, or “pushing the boundaries” is what makes brands memorable and marketers have always had to generate new ideas from humanity’s existing knowledge bank to highlight their point of difference. 

While the scale of the originality challenge might feel unprecedented, it has always existed. Artists have long battled with the nagging inner voice that argues their work is “unoriginal” or “unworthy” of existence. Just like film producers are challenged by the long stream of ideas that had already been covered in every genre, brands continue to be faced with the challenge of originality.

Our new-found ability to “rapidly generate content at scale” is powerful, but we still need to adopt some of the classic techniques that creators have been using for years to make original content. 

  1. Respond to human dilemmas.
  2. Leverage storytelling frameworks.
  3. Tap into lived experience.

A woman biting into a piece of fruit
A photographer taking a photo in a mirror which is lying on the grass

Respond to human dilemmas


People are more likely to remember stories, not facts. When we deliver a message with context, emotion, and relatability, it’s more likely to stick in the brain.

It’s just human. We’re social creatures. We survive and thrive by knowing others.

So, when you’re trying to come up with new content ideas, simply start observing people.

If you haven’t done this before, start by reflecting on some of your favourite movies or TV shows.

What battles does the main character have to fight? Who or what are they up against? How might their values be in conflict when they set out to achieve their goals? What lesson do they need to learn in order to grow?

Now, think about your target audience and ask the same questions.

Soon, you will start recognising their problems and understanding their experiences. Then, you can start weaving your brand into their life story. When you understand what your target audience is up against, you can tell them a compelling story and introduce your brand as their ally.

Think about a brand selling bed linen. Yes, sheets help people to feel comfortable so that they can fall asleep at night. At the end of a long day, they can also help people feel comfortable enough to open up to their partner and have the difficult conversation that they have been putting off.

Just one simple observation can be the starting point for an emotive (and original) campaign that taps into something far deeper and more powerful than the rational mind.

If you feel like a story has already been told, then think about how you might be able to tell it from a new perspective. We don’t have to completely reinvent the wheel for content to be original.

Leverage storytelling frameworks

The huge diversity of movies, songs, TV shows, and marketing campaigns in the world has been created from three simple ingredients.

Set up. Challenge. Pay off.

  • Set up: The main character has a goal but is trapped. An inciting incident forces them to spring into action.
  • Challenge: They set out to achieve their goal and must change to overcome challenges that stand in their way.
  • Pay off: They either achieve or do not achieve their goal, ending on a lower or higher plane of existence.

That’s the classic narrative arc that has engaged humans for a long time.

Next time you set out to create a TikTok video or write an article, think about how you could use this storytelling framework to hook your audience from start to finish.

tap into lived experience

There are three types of knowledge.

  • Explicit knowledge is easy to articulate, write down, and share.
  • Implicit knowledge is the application of explicit knowledge.
  • Tacit knowledge is gained from personal experience and is more difficult to express.

Let’s look at an example of the three types of knowledge involved in cooking a pasta dish.

  • Explicit knowledge is held in its recipe.
  • Implicit knowledge happens when you accidentally add too many anchovies and discover that the dish tastes better.
  • Tacit knowledge is knowing when the pasta is ready just by looking at it. 

If AI is the main element in your content marketing strategy, you’ll mostly only be sharing explicit knowledge to draw your audience in. AI isn’t alive and it’s pulling from knowledge that has already been documented online.

If humans are involved in your content marketing strategy, you can tap into lived experiences and start highlighting your brand’s unique knowledge and expertise.

Recorded conversations are a great tool for generating content ideas. Chat with a subject matter expert, generate a transcript, and look for pearls of wisdom that your content marketing strategy can draw on.

Google also rewards content with experience, expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness. Ultimately, you’re creating content to help and persuade humans, so you should always consider how you can incorporate lived experiences.



How can your website be found amongst billions of search engine listings? How do you stop your brand from being buried at the bottom of your audience’s social feeds? If people are becoming more selective with the brands they follow, how can you make sure you survive their next social media cleanse? 

While AI will create a new wave of online content to compete with, a few simple creative practices can help you come up with original ideas that stand out.

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